English paragraph 2
I know my intro and thesis statement need some revamping.. but i don't think i am going to have enough on diversity to write a whole thesis paper on, so that is why I did my thesis statement on changing the cultures, and the diversity would be one of my arguments....
The new religion that the Europeans have brought had changed the Ibo culture dramatically. First of all, the Europeans came with their new religion and they were not accepted at all. They wanted land to build a church and a school. The Nigerian people gave them their land. Eventually, the christians started to convert Nigerians over to their religion. Those people were rejected by the Ibo people. Eventually, alot of Nigerians would be converted to christianity and their religion would be absorbed just like alot of other aspects of their culture. It wasn't just the religion that was changing people. They also brought along their governmental system over and were changing they way that people were being judged or punished. Some things may have been better for the Nigerians in our point of view after the Europeans came, but they were happy before they came, so why should they have been changed, or bothered.
Anyways...hopefully i can go along those lines for one of the arguments. I will of course eventually have some quotes in there!
I think you have changed in a good direction. I think you could have a whole paragraph on the introduction of Christianity and a second paragraph on the government and courts/justice system. Once you find your quotations you will probably discover that incorporating these into your text and then commenting on them will take up quite a few sentences. How do these topics relate to L&J? Will you discuss schools and technology or something like that? Good work. Keep thinking, you're making progress.
yes...i will talk about technology and schools in L&J.
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