
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

House Of Spirits Paragraph 1

Family expectations in the novel cause forced marriage as well as secret relationships which causes love to fail. Throughout the novel there are two forced marriages that were not based on love, but expectations of the family. Esteban was planning to marry Rosa, but when she dies, he needed a wife, so he chose Clara. Also, whe nEsteban finds out about his daughter, Blanca's secret love for Pedro, he forces her to marry Jean de Satigny.


Blogger Stewart Rand said...

Combine your paragraphs into one post so that we can read it in order easily.

10:34 AM  
Blogger Stewart Rand said...

Also, fix the wording in your first sentence.

10:35 AM  
Blogger Ms. MacDonell said...

You can fix the wording at the later stage perhaps, but you might consider what all of these terrible marriages mean? What conclusions does the reader draw when we see that virtually every marriage in the novel is highly functional. Is this a comment on marriage itself or is something else at issue?

3:05 PM  

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