English Paragraph 3
School and technology has had a big impact on the cultures in both books. School has been intergrated into the Nigerian cultures of both books. In TFA, the school was not welcome at all. People who went to the school were rejected and shunned by their society. Since the school was christian, the school did not teach them anything about their culture and society, but European point of view. In L&J, schooling was more accepted and not brought in or taught by christians. The school was teaching the people about questioning their culture, and their beliefs. The people were starteing to unaccept their old culture and becoming westernized, just like everything else. Also, Technology was not accepted in TFA. They were talking about the iron horse, and how they were afraid of it and how they tied it to a tree. Eurpoeans were bringing their technologies to Nigeria, but they didn't need any of it. They were doing fine before they arrived, so they didn't need any help. In L&J, they accepted technology and were facinated with it. Both authors had the same view on how the Europeans were changing their culture, but Achebe had a more negative view of it and Soyrinka had a more positive view.
well...there is a start on that
hopefully i am not going off on too many tangents!!